Christmas Sparkle is Coming to Weaver Square and Northwich Market

Festive cheer is coming to Weaver Square this winter thanks to an installation of a Christmas Tree there.

The tree was installed on Thursday 16th November near to the seating area outside the Market and opposite the Wow Shop, to bring a yuletide feel to the shopping precinct.

However the tree is not just about adding a Christmassy element to Weaver Square as it will also be supporting the Cheshire Down’s Syndrome Support Group.

Throughout November they have been asking for businesses to sponsor a giant bauble on the tree with proceeds going to help brighten a child’s future this Christmas. The uptake has been good so far and there are only a limited number left to sponsor.

For businesses that would like to take part, please contact: to reserve a bauble.

A festive feel will not just be reserved for Weaver Square though, as the Northwich BID has funded a number of initiatives and resources to help promote and market Christmas in Northwich.

For example they have invested in Christmas Tree hanging baskets around the town, a Christmas Tree by Town Bridge, extensive Marketing and PR coverage and a number of competitions, including the recent Like & Share competition to win a £150 meat voucher from Hormbrey’s Family Butchers.

The BID has also allocated funding towards street performance and entertainment at this year’s Extravaganza to help ensure the crowds on the day are wowed.

If you want to find out more about the event, head over to the Visit Northwich website where there is a whole section dedicated to the Extravaganza –