How Northwich is Keeping Healthy During Lockdown

How are you coping with lockdown 3? We want to make it a bit more bearable by sharing some advice from local people to help get you through it.
We asked people in Northwich to tell us how they are keeping healthy during this difficult time and we got some brilliant advice; from exercise and recipes to mental health tips too. Here are some of our favourites, we hope you find them helpful.
On Facebook
Joanne Ballantine: As well as walking l signed up to Les Mills on Demand. Body Combat Body Pump If l can’t do these classes at the gym l have to do my classes at home.
Sandra Horne Martin: Make sure you talk to a friend everyday, whether on the phone, zoom or online
Claire Louise: Try and do some exercise every day, even if it’s only 5 minutes of stretching routine is everything xx
Kate Pugh: I’ve bought a couple of new healthy recipe cookbooks for inspiration with more cooking going in during lockdown
Gemma Louise: Well as I’m not working during lockdown me and my son who’s 4 are doing 10,0000 steps a day… We decided after school time to have time to ourselves and take adventures every day to keep active. We’re also raising money this month for northwich community first responders which is keeping us going
Kimberley Davies: I started couch to 5k last lockdown and this lockdown am I now able to run 5k three times a week without stopping.lockdowns have actually made me the healthiest I have ever been
Claire Rowlands: We try to do a “Daily Boris Walk” each day. Even only a short walk around the village is great and is really good for our mental health too!
Pauline Whalley: We’re keeping our minds healthy, we have a different country meal together every Saturday night seeming as no restaurant’s open, a bottle of wine, and just each other’s company. Our way of going out on a Saturday until the restaurant’s reopen.
Eileen Astbury Green: Green time, making sure 20 minutes during the working day is spent outside
Karen Goodman: My healthy is keeping in touch with my parents, who in their eighties are very limited to the what, where’s and who’s restrictions at the min. When I know they are ok then I can manage the kids screen time on lessons, my screen time for working at home. We sit down to a well prepared family meal every evening and talk about what’s happening with life. Get some fresh air and keep smiling.
Catherine Baylis:Getting out for a walk every day, no matter what. Fresh air is good for the soul!
Jayne Gilmore:Just doing some form of exercise every day, preferably outside to get fresh air! I’ve been making the kids walk a loop of our village (20 mins each day)
Vicky Booth: We get out for a walk everyday and just remember there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Lois Dewey: I’ve been loving the recipes on Asda Good Living, free to access and nice and easy recipes to follow, can just pick up ingredients in store. We did the chicken mango curry on Saturday it was delicious
Stacey Harms: Set aside some time each day. Do online workouts . Joe wicks Is great if you have kids and brio also does free ones. Take advantage of the daily exercise allowed outdoors. Try and set a goal of how many steps you want to achieve. Even if you have to run up and down the stairs to meet your target. You feel so much better doing exercise especially when we are in lockdown. Keeps you fit mentally and physically.
Natalie Louise: Don’t fall off the healthy wagon after one bad meal. One meal is only 5% of your week’s 3 meals a day. Don’t fall for fads, eat real food!
Sarah Markillie: Take part in the body coach workouts. They’re great because they can be done whatever the weather and I can do them while my little girl plays. I treat the live workouts like a live class so I don’t make excuses.
Kelly Hall: My mental health has been my lockdown focus and by setting myself small achievable tasks each day whether it be a household chore, physical exercise or hobby based activity it gives me a good feeling of accomplishment when it’s completed, so even on a day when I lack any get up and go I can always say ‘well at least I got that done today’ stay safe and healthy everyone! x
Helen Ball: Fresh air no matter what the weather, we walk, come rain, shine, snow or ice mainly along the River Weaver. We have seen the seasons change, the effect of floods, climbed and clambered over fallen trees and waded through thick chocolatey brown mud in wellies that now have holes in them!!! Our favourite walk is when we spot the kingfisher, amazing. We have learnt that life can be simple and quiet but found so much just minutes away from where we live. We have learnt how lucky we are, we have our health and magnificent views.
Gemma Phoenix: I’m running 5k a day in January and finishing with a half marathon this weekend. No equipment needed, you can go anytime and it’s free! Just stick on your trainers and go at your own pace. Great for mental health too as it allows you space to think and clear your head (or in my case escape children!).
Helen Huxley: I’ve been trying lots of new healthy recipes during lockdown, this chicken and tender stem broccoli traybake is particularly popular, I’ve even baked cakes with sugar substitute.
Paul Robinson: I’m walking 12000 steps every day in January and finishing off with a curry
@c.sandbach60 Cycling to work everyday, around 32 miles per week
@sjparry30 Walking in the fresh air and zoom classes
@Cassiejmt Yoga and knitting – body & mind. Works for me
@mowermangreen Good walk around the field and some home made vegetable soup is a healthy way of lockdown life helps pass the time
@white1887xw Eat healthy food and always complete a piece of mindful exercise. That could be a walk in the park or a yoga session in your front room. Always focus on your breathing for the best results!!
@vickyloubooth A walk a day around our local parks with our cocker spaniel Freddie x