The Entertainer have teamed up with Fundamentally Children

    This Summer The Entertainer are very proud to have teamed up with Fundamentally Children to bring a series of Good Toy Guide approved instore demos! Who are Fundamentally Children? Fundamentally Children is…


This Summer The Entertainer are very proud to have teamed up with Fundamentally Children to bring a series of Good Toy Guide approved instore demos!

Who are Fundamentally Children?

Fundamentally Children is an organisation dedicated to helping children develop skills through play, founded by child psychologist Dr Amanda Gummer. They provide independent expert advice on a range of topics including play, toys, apps, children’s tech, e-safety, child development, special needs and other parenting issues. These values align perfectly with our commitment to helping children develop through play.

The Balanced Play Pyramid

Fundamentally Children recently partnered with The Entertainer in an international study to investigate whether children are getting a good balance of different play activities, as recommended by the Balanced Play Pyramid. The Balanced Play Pyramid encourages parents to prioritise different types of play, based on the range of benefits their child will gain from each activity. There is no set amount of time given, instead, the model encourages a sensible balance of activities during children’s leisure time

What are we doing

They’ve teamed up with Fundamentally Children to bring a series of in store demos across the summer holidays. These demos will focus on toys that have been approved via The Good Toy Guide.

See the full schedule here.