9 unique date night ideas for any budget

When’s the last time you and your partner had a date night? As we become more settled and comfortable in a relationship, it’s natural to take less time to spend exclusively with one another as you form a routine. But carving out time to give each other your full attention doesn’t have to cost you the earth. Here are nine cheap and cheerful ways to make date night fun.
1. Take a walk
Sometimes it really is the simple things that can give you the most pleasure, and big or small, it’s good to get out in the fresh air! It could be a short stroll to your local park or you could strap on your walking boots and go for a hike in the hills. Not only is it a great way to reconnect with your other half, it’s also a fantastic way to clear your head and get some gentle exercise. And it’s completely free, too.
2. Have a picnic
One of the most tried-and-true romantic date nights out there; you can’t go wrong with a picnic. Even if the great British weather isn’t on your side, there’s no reason why you have to cancel. If the sun is shining, head to your local park, and if the heavens have opened then simply take refuge in your own living room. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg either.
3. Do a jigsaw puzzle
There’s nothing like working together to bring you closer, and that’s one of the fantastic things about doing jigsaw puzzles. Helping one another out, finding a piece the other person desperately needs, and the sense of accomplishment when everything is finally in place – it’s a lovely thing to share. If the puzzle you finish has extra special meaning to you then you could even glue it together and hang it on the wall of your home.
4. Play a board game
Technology and consoles can provide us with plenty of entertainment, of course. But there’s nothing quite like breaking out an old fashioned board game like we used to play back in the day. Cluedo, Monopoly, Scrabble… The possibilities really can be endless!
5. Talk it out
This works no matter what stage your relationship is at; don’t be afraid to open up and share your life goals and dreams with your other half. Grab a drink or two and share away. In a world where we’re all so busy with jam-packed schedules, making extra time to reconnect and check in with each other is key.
6. Have a blackout night
We bet it’s been a while since you’ve been disconnected from your phone or some other kind of technology, right? If that’s the case, carve out one evening when you both switch your phones off, turn off the TV and anything else electronic (lights can stay on or light candles for romance!) and just re-learn how to be with other people without technology getting in the way.
7. Go to a museum or art gallery
You don’t have to be particularly interested in history or art to get out and about. Museums can be pricey depending on which ones you opt for, but if you choose carefully then the price of admission can be very minimal. See if there are any special exhibits being shown for a limited time and get down there to learn a thing or two.
8. Bake or cook
You don’t have to be a Michelin-star chef to enjoy this one. Whether you love or loathe cooking and baking, sometimes it’s good to roll up your sleeves and try something new. Choose some recipes online, shop for the ingredients hand-in-hand and then cook and eat your creation together. Far better than waiting to be served for a premium price tag.
9. Spa day
Of course we don’t mean paying someone to pamper you – this is about budget date night ideas, after all – but don’t be afraid to spoil one another. Draw each other a bubble bath with a few candles, put on a face mask and give each other a soothing massage with a gentle spa playlist in the background. We promise you’ll both feel better afterwards.